Inbound Marketing Methodology | Strategy | Channels | Lead Generation | USA 2022

Hi everyone, welcome to WMB (What is Marketing in Business). In this post, you will know about the inbound marketing, methodology, strategies, inbound marketing channels, inbound lead generations etc.

What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing is a strategy that employs a variety of kinds of pull marketing, including content marketing, blogs, events, and search engine optimization. Inbound marketing is the practice of assisting potential consumers in finding your organization. This typically occurs before the client is even ready to make a purchase, yet early interaction may lead to brand favour and eventually, leads and money.  These approaches make you more appealing to clients since they do not make them feel as though they are being marketed to.


Inbound marketing material is instructive, interesting, and well-received by customers. When inbound marketing is done right, it may produce far superior outcomes than traditional marketing, which interrupts prospects rather than inviting them to participate.

Apart from lead conversions and customer retention, inbound marketing may boost social media shares, brand recognition, and SEO efforts. Customers can interact with you if you have a strong inbound marketing programs.

Inbound marketing is so effective because you can provide the searcher/consumer with the exact answers they need at the exact moment they require them. This increases trust, credibility, and authority in whichever niche you are promoting in.

What is Inbound Marketing Examples?

Inbound marketing is a type of marketing strategy in which you are inviting your targeted prospects to your websites or any online assets rather than advertising your products or services. This will help you to trust build with your high quality leads.

To attract your prospects on your websites, there are following inbound marketing examples which allows you to get a potential customer on your website. 


Inbound Marketing Examples : Blogs

A blog is a long form content that you publish on your website. These blogs are providing the solutions or answers of your prospects problems. For example: How to make a GMail account, How to create a YouTube channel, What are Types of Mobiles etc.  If you want to generate three times or four times more more leads as compared to your competitors, then you need to publish blog content at least 16 times a month.

Inbound Marketing Examples : Infographics

Now a days, no one has so much time to sit down and read a content of 2000+ words article about a given topics. Therefore, it is always better quick snapshot of whole content.  The format of snapshot is ideally presented in an aesthetically pleasing format. This conversion of a long article into a quick summary is done by infographics. This will help you attract your prospects to know about your business. 

Inbound Marketing Examples : Whitepapers

A whitepaper is an in-depth, well researched content about your blogposts. In simple term, you can say that a blogpost is like a your homework whereas a whitepapers is like your final term exam paper. Therefore, a whitepaper is an in-depth information about your company business. If your prospects download your whitepaper are expecting higher degrees of rigor, depth, originality, and value. Whitepaper content should look attractive, because the presentation is half the battle of conversion of your prospects into your client.

Inbound Marketing Examples : eBooks

An eBook are very similar to whitepapers in PDF form. An eBook is a free of information about your business and it is given to your prospects to exchange the contact information. In this eBook, there is also a CTA (Call To Action) to contact to your business directly.

Inbound Marketing Examples : Case Studies

A case study is all about information of your presently client success story whose business is growing up to next level by becoming your clients. These case studies are very helpful to promote your business by sharing these case studies over social media network. You must also share these case studies over your websites so that if your prospects are browsing the blog of the companies they’re considering, you come across a case study. This is the power of a case study. It demonstrates to the your prospects that how your product or service has done wonders for presently client.

Inbound Marketing Examples : Webinar

Sometimes a long form well researched content is not easy way to attract your prospects. Therefore, you need to present a video content that demonstrate about business work culture and need to explain how you work for their clients. For this, you must host a webinar for exclusive web audience. A webinar is a an online seminar that is conducted by you or your team and team member who is in the webinar can interact with you.

What are Inbound Marketing Methodology?

An inbound marketing is all about to attract your prospects to your website and converting them into a paying client. For this, a methodology is introduced in inbound marketing known as inbound marketing methodology. This methodology will helps you for your business growth and building a strong online audience base. Now, according to inbound marketing methodology, there are following actions performed in methodology as shown in below.inbound-marketing-methodology-strategy-channels-lead-generation-usa-wmb

Inbound Marketing Methodology : Attracting

In this section of inbound marketing methodology, you need to write blogs on your websites, create a landing pages, share your free eBooks over social media networks to attract your targeted audiences so that they will land to your websites or any social media pages and these are called inbound traffic and in terms of marketing, it is inbound marketing. These peoples are most likely to purchase your product or use your service. To attract quality leads for your businesses you need some tactics such as SEO to rank your website your websites over the internet search engines like Google, Bing etc. 

Inbound Marketing Methodology : Converting

Now, when your right visitors are on websites or any social media platform pages, then you need to convert them into leads by providing some valuable contents or free eBooks, or whitepapers etc. in return they will provide you their contact information such as their email address, phone number and job title etc. Apart from this content or eBooks, there are some important tools that is used to convert leads such as form submissions, landing pages, contact information and calls-to-action.

Inbound Marketing Methodology : Closing

Now, you have your prospects’ contact information such as their email ids, mobile number etc. It is the time to close them to covert into paying clients. This can be done by using the right marketing tools such as email marketing software, marketing automation and CRM system. You just need to follow up those leads and needs to send them your offers in their emails or other contact information. At this time, case studies will be very help to convert them into paying clients. 

Inbound Marketing Methodology : Delighting

In this stage of inbound marketing methodology, you have some clients for your business. This have great opportunity to promote your business by word of mouth. For this, you need provide your services or product to your client such that they are fully satisfied with your business work plans and strategies. By doing this, it will help you for building your brands’ credibility and reputation and make a strong relationship by continually engaging with existing customers and building on the relationship in hope they become promoters of your business. This is free promotion done by your client by giving a reference of your business.

What is Inbound Marketing Tools/Tactics?

As you know that inbound marketing methodology will helps you for your business growth and building a strong online audience base. In this methodology, there are four actions which are Attracting, Converting, Closing and Delighting. In each and every action, there are some tools which can be used to perform these actions. 


Inbound Marketing Tools : Attracting Tools

The Attracting actions are performed by the following inbound marketing tools.

  1. Paid ADs or PPC (Pay Per Click)
  2. Blogging
  3. Videos
  4. SMM (Social Media Marketing)
  5. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  6. Content Marketing

Inbound Marketing Tools : Converting Tools

The Converting actions are performed by the following inbound marketing tools.

  1. Landing Pages
  2. Lead Magnets
  3. Email Marketing
  4. Conversational Marketing using Live Chats & Chatbots

Inbound Marketing Tools : Closing Tools

The Closing actions are performed by the following inbound marketing tools.

  1. Providing Discounts & Free Offers
  2. Case Studies
  3. Remarketing

Inbound Marketing Tools : Delighting Tools

The Delighting actions are performed by the following inbound marketing tools.

  1. Content Marketing
  2. Email Marketing
  3. Conducting Surveys
  4. Social Feedbacks
  5. Conversational Inbox

What is Inbound Marketing Strategy?

An inbound marketing is special type of marketing where your prospects come to your websites or any other social media community created by yourself. To make this inbound marketing, there are following inbound marketing strategies.


Inbound Marketing Strategy : SEO

An SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is method to optimize your websites according to search engine algorithm. By doing SEO of your website, your websites get higher ranking search engine like Google, Bing etc. If the users search a query in search engine, then they will land to your websites and get solutions their problems. So, SEO in inbound marketing determines the needs of your potential prospects.

Inbound Marketing Strategy : PPC

Sometime you need to promote your websites using paid ads. For this, you need to use PPC (Pay Per Click) method, that will promote your websites over the internet specially in search engine. By doing this, your potential customer know about business organization and hence they will find you product or services etc.

Inbound Marketing Strategy : Content Marketing

Content marketing is marketing of written blogs on websites. These contents are promoted over social media platforms by running paid ads. By doing this, social media platform creates an engagement of your contents. Therefore, the engaged user know about you and your company product and services etc.

Inbound Marketing Strategy : SMM

An SMM (Social Media Marketing) is a tool that will provide your targeted audience what thy want, interaction, engagement etc. This will a creates a trust with your brand and hence they will know about your business. SMM in inbound marketing is done by sharing valuable experiences and attracting prospects with relevant and helpful content.

Inbound Marketing Strategy : Landing Pages

A landing pages is a tool to capture the leads contact information by the exchange of your free eBook, whitepapers etc. The landing pages has some valuable content with your product and services details in form of PDF or eBooks format so that your prospects can download these eBooks by giving their contact information like emails, phone numbers etc.

Inbound Marketing Strategy : Remarketing

Once your potential customer has visited to your websites who have already expressed interest in your products or services. Now, you need to promote again in front of them by running paid ads etc. For this, a remarketing tool will be very helpful. In remarketing, your ads is showing to that people who have visited your website or used your mobile app.

Difference Between Inbound Marketing VS Content Marketing

Content marketing is a marketing of content over the social media platforms. Its main focus on the creation and distribution of engaging content across multiple channels. For example: content on a guide, a how-to tutorials etc. and sharing it on social media, and ensuring that it is read and shared by those who will find it applicable.


Inbound marketing is a tactics in which your website is developed and published some in-depth researched contents on your websites and then it is promoted using SEO, SMM or PPC ads. Its main focus is to promote your whole websites to your potential customers.

Content marketing is a method of building a relationship with your potential customers with the help of contents that is shared over social media whereas inbound marketing is a method of attracting your potential customers from social media to your websites, blogs, videos etc. 

Difference Between Inbound Marketing VS Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is all the marketing tactics that is done over the digital medium. Digital marketing includes all the promotional tactics like SEO, SMM, PPC etc. Digital marketing is a toolbox that contains all of the marketing tools that is used to increase brand recognition, get more traffic, get leads etc.


Inbound marketing is a marketing strategy that does make use of a lot of digital marketing tactics, like blogging and improving SEO. Inbound marketing is a set methodology that works to draw in qualified visitors, and generate leads.

You can say that an inbound marketing is a task that works to put customers first, and digital marketing tactics help them to achieve this task.

If you simply wants to grow brand awareness, and get any old visitor to your website, a few different digital marketing tactics might help like boosting your Facebook page’s reach, or increasing traffic to your website etc.

If you want to generate leads that convert to legitimate, qualified customers, inbound marketing tactics are a better choice.

What are Inbound Marketing Campaigns? 

An inbound marketing campaigns are paid ads that is run to promote all of your marketing channels around a single message and goal. In inbound marketing campaigns, a marketing offer is built with the help of something valuable and relevant for your audience that you promote through your marketing channels.

Inbound marketing campaign is done by following steps:

  1. Identify Target Audience.
  2. Set Goals and Benchmarks.
  3. Determine Keywords for SEO.
  4. Create Offers, Landing Pages and CTAs.
  5. Build Out Automation and Nurturing Emails.
  6. Launch Campaign With a Targeted Email.
  7. Write a Blog Post.
  8. Share Content on Social Media.

What is Inbound Marketing Agency? 

An inbound agency is an agency that performs the tactics of inbound marketing for their clients to attract, engage and delight their customers using the inbound methodology. There are a lot of components in inbound marketing methodology which is why choosing an agency to work with can be so beneficial. The inbound agency take the responsibilities to perform your inbound marketing strategy.


What are Benefits Inbound Marketing? 

There are following benefits of inbound marketing:

  1. Inbound marketing is sustainable.
  2. Inbound marketing generates relevant leads.
  3. Inbound marketing enhances brand position.
  4. Inbound marketing also increases trust.
  5. Inbound marketing is cost-effective.
  6. Inbound marketing increases visibility.

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